Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Athlete's Name *FirstLastSchool Athlete will attend next year *Camp you will be attending *YosemiteBig BearBoth!Conditions of Enrollment formPARTICIPANT QUALIFICATIONS: All Runners’ Workshop Inc. participants must be at least 12 years old, and sufficiently physically fit to participate safely in all activities while at camp/clinic. TRANSPORTATION: Transportation is the responsibility of the participant. Out of state athletes: Round trip air fare & arrangements to & from the airport are the responsibility of the participant. Transfers should be arranged in consultation with Runner’s Workshop Inc. CANCELLATION: The tuition will be refunded in full, less the $75.00 registration service charge, when written notice of cancellation is received at least 1 month prior to the camp you are attending. Written cancellations received after this time, but prior to the start of camp session will be subject to a cancellation charge of 50%. Written notification of cancellation after the start of the camp session will forfeit the entire tuition. WITHDRAWL: It is understood that Runner’s Workshop Inc. has a limited enrollment, and fixed, consistent operating cost. Because of these limitations, no refund or reduction for tuition will be made for the withdrawal of a participant, his/her late arrival, or early departure. Runner’s Workshop Inc. reserves the right to dismiss a participant whose conduct or influence is unsatisfactory or in the opinion of the directors is not in the best interest of the program. There will be no refund. If the parent brings the participant home for any reason there will be no refund. HEALTH: For the protection of all the participants, each participant will need a physical examination within 12 months prior to arrival. This form is posted on the Runner's Workshop website. It is understood that unless otherwise indicated your child is in good health and may participate actively in all appropriate camp activities. Any information, which may be pertinent to your child’s welfare, must be provided to the camp in writing attached to his/her application or health form. Should anyone with whom the participant has been associated become ill with a contagious disease, within three weeks of the program, please notify us at once. Should your child become ill or injured at camp and be required to limit or suspend activities for a period of time, no credit, reduction of tuition or refund will be issued. Parents/Guardians will be notified if any prescription type medication is needed for an illness at camp and all cost for such medication shall be born by the parent/guardian. If my child or I are accepted for enrollment I agrees that: 1. Runner’s Workshop Inc., its’ directors or employees, will not be held responsible for any injury that is not the direct fault of Runner’s Workshop Inc. beyond the assurance the injury will receive professional attention. 2. If I or my child requires medical attention, Runner’s Workshop Inc. has my authorization to obtain it from any EMT, nurse, licensed physician or hospital as the program deems necessary, and Runner’s Workshop Inc. may act in my place in this regard. This authorization applies whether my personal insurance or camper insurance covers the charges. 3. I understand that all medical cost related to the participant’s injury is the responsibility of the participant or the participant’s parent or guardian. 4. I agree to pay tuition fees as set forth on the Runner’s Workshop Inc. promotional flyer. 5. Runner’s Workshop Inc. may use my or my child’s photographs or video in promotional materials. 6. If a check is returned unpaid there will be a $15.00 charge. EMERGENCY INFORMATION: We rely on this application for the participant’s safety and well being: therefore, we must receive notice of any changes promptly and in writing. Runner’s Workshop Inc. requires that each athlete have accurate information on file at all times. In the event a parent or guardian is traveling, Runner’s Workshop Inc. will need an accurate itinerary of the trip as well as an alternative emergency contact that will be available during the session. MEDICATION: Parents of children who take medication will need to complete a medication survey, which is emailed 1-2 weeks prior to the start of camp. Please check in all mediation when the athletes arrives and checks into camp. A completed form is necessary for any/all types of medicine (nose drops, prescription,) DO NOT PACK MEDICINE OF ANY KIND IN YOUR CHILD’S LUGGAGE. LOST ARTICLES: Runner’s Workshop Inc. is not responsible for article of clothing or personal belongings which are lost or damaged by misuse, laundry, shipping or theft. DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILD TO BRING EXPENSIVE ITEMS SUCH AS ELECTRONIC GEAR, CAMERAS, GAMES, and ECT. TO CAMP. CAMPER ACCEPTANCE: Runner’s Workshop Inc. reserves the right to refuse acceptance of any participant. You will receive an email confirmation from us of receipt of the Conditions of Enrollment. The balance of the tuition and physical is due by June 18th for Yosemite and July 1st for the Big Bear camp. A final confirmation email will be sent after the balance is paid and all camp forms are completed and submitted. Runner’s Workshop Inc. reserves the right to cancel any camp session due to low enrollment. Participants may select an alternate camp session or receive a full refund. CONDITIONS OF ENROLLMENT: Prior to signing this Conditions of Enrollment, I have read and understood all portions of this form. Any questions I may have had about the policies and operations of Runner’s Workshop Inc. have been answered to my satisfaction. Runner’s Workshop Inc. P.O. Box 5028, Los Alamitos, Ca. 90720 Runner's Workshop Camp Rules and RegulationsThe regulations and policies are for the convenience and safety of all the runners. Please read them carefully. 1. To leave the camp property, you need to obtain permission from the director and be accompanied by your parent, coach, or a staff member. Failure to comply may result in all persons involved being sent home at parent's expense. 2. If you must leave the immediate program area (i.e. workout, clinic) you must inform the counselor. 3. Wear shoes or sandals at all times when not involved in a lake or pool activity. 4. All runners must report to and participate in their scheduled activities. If ill, a runner should let the counselor know where he or she is and then report to the EMT, paramedic or camp nurse to be checked out and for an excuse from the activities. 5. If you have a problem see a counselor. If you wish the camp director to become involved, ask your counselor to arrange a meeting. 6. Food received in the mail should be eaten that same day. No food is to be kept in the dorms and no food is to be removed from the dining hall. 7. Running and rough housing is not allowed in the dorm areas. Games and play are restricted to the recreational areas. 8. Dorms are off-limits to members of the opposite sex. This is one of our major rules. Failure to comply will result in all persons involved being sent home at parents' expense. 9. Staff residences and personal gear are off-limits. 10. Smoking, vaping or chewing tobacco is not allowed at camp. This is one of our major rules. Failure to comply will result in all persons involved being sent home at parents' expense. 11. Co-ed social relationships are restricted to supervised programs and/or informally during runner free time in supervised areas of camp. Runners are expected to be discreet and not to venture from supervised areas of camp. Campers will not sneak out at night nor after hours to meet each other, have intimate or sexual relationships. 12. There are to be no alcoholic beverages, unlawful narcotic drugs or hallucinogens in possession or in use at Runner's Workshop camp. Another major rule - failure to comply will result in all persons involved being reported to police & sent home at parent's expense. 13. Behavior or pranks, which destroy camp property or hurt feelings of others, are not allowed. If you are not sure, ask your counselor. 14. Camp quiet hours begin at 10:00pm. At this time all runners must be in their living quarters. Lights out at 10:15pm. Please cooperate by being considerate of all those who live at camp. And remember - the 6:00am wake up call is early. You'll need your sleep if you are to get the most out of your workouts. CAMP WAIVER: Waiver must be signed by all participants: In consideration of the acceptance of my application I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators hereby waive, release and discharge any and all rights and claims for damages I may have or which hereafter accrue to me against the persons and organizations affiliated with Runner's Workshop Inc. and their representatives, successors, and assignees for all injuries suffered by me while traveling to and from or in any way associated with my participation in the Runner's Workshop Inc. camp. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for participation in this camp. Additionally, I permit any photographs or video taping from the camp to be used for promotional purposes. RUNNER'S AGREEMENT I have read all of these regulations and policies and will obey them while a camper at Runner's Workshop Inc. Camp. I understand that failure to comply with these policies may result in expulsion from camp. The parent will assume the cost and means of transportation. CONDITIONS OF ENROLLMENT: Prior to signing and submitting this Camp Rules Form, I have read and understood all portions of this form. Any questions I may have had about the policies and operations of Runner’s Workshop Inc. have been answered to my satisfaction. Runner’s Workshop Inc. P.O. Box 5028, Los Alamitos, Ca. 90720 Athlete's Signature *Clear SignatureI have read, understand and agree to everything mentioned in the Conditions of Enrollment and Camp Rules and Regulations forms. Use your keypad, cursor, stylus or finger to sign this formParent or Guardian's Name *FirstLastParent or Guardian's Signature *Clear SignatureI have read, understand and agree to everything mentioned in the Conditions of Enrollment and Camp Rules and Regulations forms. Use your keypad, cursor, stylus or finger to sign this form.Submit